Big Buzz Orchestra Blog

Big Buzz Orchestra
How Many Bees Does It Take to Make a Jar of Honey?

How Many Bees Does It Take to Make a Jar of Honey?

Have you ever wondered where natural honey comes from? Most of us know that bees make honey, but how much raw honey can a bee actually make in a day – or in a lifetime? When you find out how many bees it takes to produce a jar of natural honey, you’ll never waste a drop again! It Takes a Lot of Busy Bees to Make a Jar of Honey A worker bee spends its entire lifetime devoted to making raw honey. It’s not just a hobby or a small part of the bee’s survival – rather, making honey is...

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Big Buzz Orchestra
What are the Benefits of Eating Honey?

What are the Benefits of Eating Honey?

Natural honey can be an awesome addition to your diet, since this powerhouse ingredient is packed with all sorts of health benefits. From reducing sugar intake to healing the throat and supporting proper digestive health, natural honey can be a game changer. Top 7 Benefits of Eating Natural Honey Let’s make something clear – natural honey tastes amazing! We don’t want to overlook this fact, and it’s important to remember that many people enjoy honey simply for its sweet taste and silky texture. Added to oatmeal, tea, toast, dressing, sauces and even savory dishes, honey adds great flavor and sweetness....

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Big Buzz Orchestra
Foods that Taste Better with Honey

Foods that Taste Better with Honey

Some things are just meant to be together. Check out our list of food items that are just better when paired with honey. Nuts Two words – Honey. Roasted. Raw nuts on their own are already a satisfying snack with great crunch factor. But some nuts – especially walnuts, pecans, and almonds – can get a much tastier kick when they’ve been roasted with a natural honey drizzle. Add a pinch of salt before roasting them in the oven, and you’ve got yourself a delicious treat that’s both sweet and savory. Yum! Oatmeal Maybe not the most glamorous of all...

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Big Buzz Orchestra
How Does Honey Affect Your Body and Enrich Your Health?

How Does Honey Affect Your Body and Enrich Your Health?

Raw honey – it’s healthy! Just about everyone has heard of the health benefits of natural honey, but are you familiar with specific ways to use honey to achieve better health? Get to know how honey can help the body heal – naturally! Raw Honey Has Natural Healing Properties Recognized as an antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent, honey is considered a powerhouse when it comes to natural health solutions. And its nutritional profile makes it even more attractive. A single tablespoon of honey (about 20 grams) contains 64 calories, zero grams of fat, protein and fiber, and only 17 grams...

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