Big Buzz Orchestra Blog

Big Buzz Orchestra
Our Big Buzz Orchestra Family

Most Common Questions & Answers about Our Organic Honey

Questions about Big Buzz Orchestra honey? We’ve got answers! Learn everything you need to know about our organic honey and our unique approach to beekeeping.   How is honey made? Where does raw organic honey come from? Our worker bees spend their lifetime collecting pollen and nectar from flowers on the mighty Danube River and bringing it back to the hive, where it is tucked away and transformed into honey. Once filled, the beeswax hives are then capped off by the bees using a wax-like film. This natural process allows the raw honey to be encapsulated safely in honeycombs.  ...

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Big Buzz Orchestra
Big Buzz Orchestra's home - Belene Natural Honey

A perfect place

  …Nothing can be grasped, destroyed, or burnt, except in a symbolic way, as one says, in effigy, in absentia.”   Jacques Lacan Overcoming trauma takes years, decades even, especially generational trauma. The horrifying history of Belene – a place of violence, injustice, and suffering. A place where those who cherished freedom and expression were locked and repressed. For Belene still lingers in collective memory as a forsaken territory of ghosts reminding us of an unspeakable history. But if one constantly looks for shelter against the shame and trauma, that pulse within the core of such historic places, one only...

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Big Buzz Orchestra
The Product of the Bee Symphony

To hear is to be touched from afar.

  Rhythm is linked to vibration. That is how music creates an involuntary intimacy between juxtaposed bodies. – Pascal Quignard Music draws in Different frequencies and rhythms have the ability to give birth to a plethora of colorful emotions inside of us, making us feel connected, making us feel drawn to a community of some sort, enabling us to bond over something shared – a history, a tradition, a goal. The sonorous presence of bees brings life and comfort to a garden and its many inhabitants, thus creating an organic orchestra from nature’s best workers. In turn, specific frequencies from...

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Big Buzz Orchestra
Ancient Egypt Beekeeping

Bees’ Journeys

Bees’ Journeys is a series of our Big Buzz Diaries where we explore in short the history of honey and bees throughout different cultures. The reason behind such an endeavor is our wish to see and understand the different paths bees and their sweet produce have taken so that we can still enjoy honey in all its forms after millennia of devoted labor and care for our humming friends. Ancient Egypt The Egyptians were one of the first cultures to domesticate bees with a great reverence for the little insects. Beekeeping was practiced for thousands of years in Egypt and...

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